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Texas Orthopedics, Sports & Rehabilitation Associates

Friday, July 28, 2017

Too Much Spinning

Is there such thing as too much spinning? You wouldn’t think so, as spin classes (high intensity workouts performed while on a stationary bike) are all the rage these days for the great cardio and muscle-toning benefits.
But you can actually go at it too hard -- putting yourself at risk for serious injury—as reported with several cases highlighted in a recent issue of The American Journal of Medicine.
It covers several instances of women who experienced life-threatening rhabdomyolysis as a result of overworked muscles from the intense cycling common in spin classes. Rhabdomyolysis, or rhabdo, occurs from extreme exercise when strained muscles begin to die and leak toxic contents into the bloodstream, paralyzing the kidneys while causing sickness and severe pain.
The article documented 46 cases of spinning-related rhabdo, with 42 of the cases happening after taking a first-ever spin class.
Rhabdo traditionally had only ever been reported in soldiers, and others like firefighters who have extremely physically demanding jobs.
This new trend of rhabdo occurring in people going to extremes to stay fit is alarming, but experts say that there are things you can do to protect yourself while enjoying your spin class or other high intensity workout:
  1. When starting a new workout, do a less intense version of it first, then slowly progress to a more moderate or advanced level.
  2. Know your limits, and take frequent breaks during workouts until you get more familiar with the pace.
  3. If taking a guided class, let your instructor know that it’s your first time.
Also check with your physician first before starting a new workout or exercise program if you suffer from a chronic condition like arthritis, or have had a recent and serious injury.
At Texas Orthopedics, we strongly encourage some form of regular exercise for all of our patients, but it’s also important to remember to listen to your body and not push it to extremes.
If you experience any constant or severe pain after any type of workout, please contact us for an appointment.
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