Update from Dr. Goldberg
-3 surgery patients on the schedule in the morning: a 3 week old ankle fracture (Dr. Crawford & Dr. Mehta pictured above), amputation revision and wound closure. Dr. Crawford also did a high above knee amputation on a pregnant woman.
-They made a brace for the paraplegic patient mentioned yesterday to be able to sit up.
-The patient whose shoulder was disarticulated and amputated, mentioned yesterday, developed a fever and became anemic. The family members of another patient prayed and sang around him for over 20 minutes. Dr. Goldberg and nurses reported this as an unbelievable sight, shortly thereafter, he became more perky, his fever went down and his face lightened up! A miracle! He seems to be doing really well and is feeding himself.
-Dr. Goldberg spent time contacting the other hospitals in the area to let them know Mission of Hope could take 6-8 patients. General Hospital is only 60% occupied and have many more doctors and nurses than needed. There were no surgical cases to move from there.
-While in the city (Port-au-Prince), Dr. Goldberg was able to see the vast amount of destruction, more than he could put into words. A few pictures above are representative of the disaster befallen the city.
-He mentioned again the amazing team that they have at MOH and the dynamics of Team 2, really working together well. They offer MOH stellar organization and patient care!
-Team 2 will return in two waves, the first group coming home Friday and the second late Saturday night.
Picture #1: Dr. Crawford and Dr. Mehta in surgery.
Picture #2: Child with humeral fracture, splint done at the time of the earthquake.
Picture #3: Haiti is still burning
Picture #4: A picture of the devastation in Port-au-Prince
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