-9 team members headed back to Austin
-Dr. Goldberg, Robert, Jehona and Tim stayed behind to take care of patients in the ward with medical problems. Dr. Goldberg saw patients in the clinic. They organized and prepared for the next team.
-They sent the ambulance in to town to pick up some patient transfers and they brought an anesthesiologist to MOH to join the team until our next team arrives.
-The medical team reports that they are all changed from the experience, loved that Texas Orthopedics, HCBC and other groups at home supported them so much and they are so pleased that they were able to do some good for the Haitian people.
Pictures (courtesy of Dr. Goldberg):
Picture #1: Team members Sharon, Jehona, Kelly, Jan with interpreter Volcy & others at MOH
Picture #2: Sharon Depmore, LVN with Texas Orthopedics dances with the locals
Picture #3: Home on the street
Picture #4: Scottsdale ex fix on femur fracture
Picture #5: Explaining femur fracture to patient
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