Updates from Jennifer Kinman:
Friday, 4/2/10- Spent the day cleaning out the ward half of hoop barn. It is awesome but supplies are unorganized. Unfortunately when they moved them from the school they didn't totally keep order. We will be busy in there this week. Going to use the wire racks to separate the ward from supply hall.
Got to tour the clinic. It closed yesterday at noon, but had a head laceration arrive at the front gate today. Dr. Gueramy, Dr. Haas and Dr. Curtis got him all stitched up.
Tomorrow they will go to General to evaluate a bilateral femur fracture patient. Possible surgery tomorrow if he is medically stable.
We washed down the donated hospital beds & mattresses with soap & water then bleach. Half of the beds left to go tomorrow. The kids (MOH staff kids) piling up the mattresses & playing trampoline.
Saturday, 4/3/10- Dr. Morrow, Dr. Adams & team are stuck in Miami. Got lots done on the new supply ward & we are almost ready for our patients to arrive tomorrow. Bilat femur fracture surgery scheduled tomorrow.
Sunday, 4/4/10- Very good day...all of our team arrived. Ward is beautiful...OR sterilized. Problem with anesthesia machine, only works with small O2 bottles. We have connected with Miami to get more o2 & hopefully biomed. I went to town with Dr. Gueramy, Dr. Haas, Seema (Journalist) & Vance (Photographer). A guy with 2 femur fractures also has bilateral upper extremitiy fractures is coming tomorrow. Probably have to amputate..hand not salvageable. He had crit 15. Hgb 5.5 so getting blood before they transfer him. Found delightful femur fracture patient with external fixature on femur needing fixation....from the earthquake at Miami. Seema interviewed her with Miami ortho doc. He was fantastic & one of his partners is coming April 10. If we could round up OR staff & anesthesia we definitely have surgery week (and use all those team nurses)....very good possibility. Miami surgery said there is plenty of work. 4 surgeries scheduled tomorrow...all 4 spending the night. One guy is a femur fx...walked into miami.
Picture: Dr. Gueramy negotiating with UN- they were trying to bring us 5 patients in ambulance. Our clinic was closed & we didn't have our nurses yet.
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