Update provided by Ashley Hurt
WE GOT A C-ARM to take xrays!! Such a valuable piece of equipment.
WE GOT A C-ARM to take xrays!! Such a valuable piece of equipment.
Another team came through and said our OR is the cleanest OR they've seen.
Small teams of 3-4 people went out and made rounds in the small out lying villages today. They basically went tent to tent to see if anyone needed medical attention.
The 31 pallets of supplies will arrive tomorrow.
Patients today:
A little boy (pictured above) was dropped off at the gate today and has meningitis. He was taken to the USS to get eye surgery he desperately needed! He was also diagnosed with a 1 in more then a million disease...xerdeapigmentosa. It's a tropical disease.
The had a MVC (motor vehicle collision) patient today that had an open tib/fib fracture they took to the OR washed out and placed an ex fix on. They also washed out axillary pus on the patient.
Washed out a couple of ward patients.
They have some sick medicine patients...trying to treat or transfer.
One of the pastors with the group was leaving the compound and witnessed a kid on a bike get hit by a car. They loaded him up and brought him to our team. The ran a code trauma on the kid, c-spine, took him to the OR to wash out his injuries. He had a proximal closed tib/fib fracture. Xray would be a great benefit to treating these patients. Hopefully the c-arm will arrive soon!
Dr. Matt Bush, ER doctor, sees about 60 patients a day at the clinic. That's a good amount of patients for an ER clinic. Nice work Dr. Bush!
Long Term Plan:
To work with MOH to set up a prosthesis clinic in the coming months. Thousands have lost limbs here in Haiti and manual work is a huge lifestyle. The population would greatly benefit from this type of mission. PT and prosteticians would run the clinic along with trained doctors.
Picture: Dr. Will Curtis (Austin Anesthesiology Group) and the little boy that was dropped off at their gate Monday. He will be going to the orphanage after being treated.
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